Working Together Journal of Nursing

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

The Art of Human Caring: My Lived Experience

Tags: Authentic leadership balance caregiver caring Caring Behaviors caring in nursing experiences nursing assistant working together

I have spent nearly four decades in healthcare and have learned that if you want to be the best healthcare professional possible, finding balance is critical. Here I share my personal journey into nursing and leadership and the valuable lessons learned along the way. The truth is, they are just as valuable today as they were back then.

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What Can We Do to Promote Professional Socialization in Nursing?

What Can We Do to Promote Professional Socialization in Nursing?

Tags: clinical mentoring nursing faculty perioperative professional socialization student nurse transitioning working together

Transitioning to a new work setting is challenging for many nurses regardless of the time spent in practice. Promoting professional socialization, through mentoring and precepting, helps to facilitate a smooth transition. Effective mentoring, using role play, reflective exercises, and debriefing, provides the transitioning nurse the opportunity to self-actualize his or her potential in the new work environment. The use of Benner’s Novice to Expert Theory and Duchscher's Stages of Transition Theory as a basis for mentorship enhances safety and quality in the provision of care.

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Rapid Response Team to the Rescue

Rapid Response Team to the Rescue

Tags: Ambulance cardiac Doctors EMS Follow-Ups patient patient safety Rapid Response rapid response team rapid response team benefits Rescue Rescue Team RRT RRT Nurse RRT Nursing Team treatment working together

Rapid response team (RRT) purpose is to initiate immediate measures before patient deteriorates further and to educate the staff on activating the staff the Rapid response team.

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Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Improving the Clinical Experience of Working with Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Team Approach

Tags: clinical clinical experience nursing school nursing students preceptorship student nurse students teamwork undergraduate working together

This article emphasizes the value of working together in training the future nurses, and suggests strategies and tools to assist in the process. Bringing quality and safety to nursing education in the classroom and clinical is of high importance. Staff nurses play a key role in the clinical preparation and success of the student nurse. Faculty, preceptors, students and the system at large can be more successful if working together to reach the learning objectives and goals. Designated educational units (DEU) are an example of improved clinical teaching/learning environments, but every clinical unit can participate and practice quality regardless to the formal structure and protocal of an established DEU. Understanding that the staff nurse plays a significant role in mentoring the future nurse generation is a reason enough to see working with students is a necessity rather than a burden.

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Why Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

Why Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

Tags: bullying clinicals student working relationship working together

This article discusses issues related to new nurses regarding bullying and how the problem can be solved.

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